Back Into The Swing of Things…

harvestI am an avid gardener (vegetables, not flowers!) and my interests tend to turn to growing things during the warm months, rather than sitting on my computer. Then after everything dies and the snow starts flying I start remembering everything I use to do online, and now seems to be that time again. I am just getting back into Internet Marketing after almost three seasons of warm weather distractions, and I am trying to remember what I was doing that worked so I can get back into the swing of things.

First thing I recalled was a program called Partnership to Success, by John Thornhill. John is an extremely successful marketer, and a good teacher as well. His course is awesome but was a little out of my price range last year so I had to drop out after only a couple months, and I am not prepared to make that much of an investment right now either. P2S is about product creation, and after John teaches you how to create a product he actually helps you to promote it. The connections you make through him almost guarantee your success. I would like to learn product creation at some point, but right now I am interested in learning about selling Resale Rights products or creating membership sites. So I would definitely like to take his course in the future, but it is not what I am looking for right now.

Then I remembered an old course I took a couple years ago, called My Internet Income Coaches, created by Liz Tomey. I have a lot of respect for Liz because she is an awesome teacher, and a she acts like a real person not some kinda expert guru. (I think she’s smarter than most of them!) MIIC is a great course that teaches all about Resale Rights products, and helps you create a whole funnel system from start to finish. It is the only thing I ever made any money at after following what I learned from the course. Honestly I can’t even remember why I stopped doing what I was doing if I was making sales! Must have been a case of the ‘Shiny Object Syndrome’.

Anyways, since I paid for that course and followed it from start to finish I had permanent access to the member area of the website. So I went and logged in only to find that some of the links are not working and some content is unavailable. Bummer. I’m actually more bummed to know that Liz isn’t monitoring that site anymore, than I am about some broken links. I guess that is the nature of the beast though; you create a product that you can run on autopilot and you aren’t going to know when things stop working.

But all is not lost! I downloaded everything from that course for exactly this reason; just in case I lost access to the website. Unfortunately I couldn’t open the .zip file. Apparently .zip files (and other file types I am sure) can become spontaneously ‘invalid’ making them completely unable to open. I guess I have heard of it happening, but never had it happen to me. Until now.

So I open up trusty Google Almighty and cry for help. I quickly found a listing of different free tools to try… but… they didn’t work. Then I read that WinRAR has a repair tool. At some point in time everyone comes across a .rar file and has to download WinRAR anyways, so I gave it a shot. IT WORKED! Hallelujah!

You can download WinRAR for free from here:  It is free forever but they will give you a pop-up after a while to try and get you to upgrade to the paid version. Ignore the pop-up and you have a free tool.

So that’s it, I am back in the swing of things, and I am going to pick up right where I left off with what I learned in MIIC. I know Liz is still active because she is still sending me emails that I can tell are current. She use to give free webinars, so I will find out if I can get in on those again.
I will post my progress here as it unravels…

How about you? Do you find it hard to focus on Internet Marketing during the Summer? Are you just getting back into it like me? Feel free to share your experiences below.   🙂


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