Author Archives: Michael Graham

My Partnership to Success Commitment

I have decided to commit to the Partnership To Success coaching program. After following John Thornhill for a few years now, I believe he is the right guy to pay attention to and learn from. I originally joined the PTS program in January 2015, and again in January 2016. Both times I had to drop…

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Productivity Browser Add-Ons

The last thing we will discuss in this info-series is browser add-ons. Set yourself up for success while browsing the Internet for work, with browser add-ons. Options vary depending on browser, so we’ll cover the two most popular ones: Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. GOOGLE CHROME ADD-ONS StayFocusd This add-on allows you to limit the…

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A Few Good Productivity Secrets

Implementing just one of these tactics will help add more time to your day. Implementing all of these tricks will maximize the amount of time you have to get things done. You’ll either get more accomplished every day, or reach the end of your to-do list with time to spare; time that you can use…

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Organization Matters for Productivity

Being organized will definitely help keep you productive. When everything has a place, and every place has a thing, you will be far more productive because you know where everything is when you need it and won’t have to waste valuable time looking for something. How you organize your home office is up to you.…

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Tools For Your Productive Environment

As we discussed yesterday, it does not matter how motivated and focused you are if you don’t have the tools you need and the right environment to do your work in. Once you get your environment set up you should consider the tools you use, because you will spend a lot of time working with…

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Setting Up Your Productive Environment

It does not matter how motivated and focused you are if you don’t have the tools you need and the right environment to do your work in. That’s why we’re going to discuss how to set up the perfect work environment. Though you may find your most productive environment to vary slightly from these pointers,…

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Finding The Motivational Spark

No matter how much you wish it would happen, the work you have to do isn’t going to do itself. Finding your motivation will be easier on some days than others, but the key is to make sure you can get to that motivation when you need it the most. CREATE AN “EMERGENCY SITUATION” When…

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Eliminating The Distractions

There are two big reasons why people struggle to stay productive: distractions and lack of motivation. Today we will talk about distractions. This is certainly easier said than done, especially if you’re a work-at-home parent. After all, the point of working at home is to be available for your family when they need you, right?…

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