Author Archives: Michael Graham

Staying Productive Isn’t Easy…

Staying productive isn’t easy… especially when you work from home. It’s so easy for hours to pass you by without you actually getting anything productive done. Does the following situation sound at all familiar to you? You turn on your computer in the morning and have no idea of what you need to get done…

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Back Into The Swing of Things…

I am an avid gardener (vegetables, not flowers!) and my interests tend to turn to growing things during the warm months, rather than sitting on my computer. Then after everything dies and the snow starts flying I start remembering everything I use to do online, and now seems to be that time again. I am…

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You Are Possibility

In just a few minutes you can really recharge your mindset with a new set of positive attitudes and thinking. It just takes a little tweaking of your brain to be rewired with a new view that could alter your life ten fold. Why not recreate and rewrite a new story in your life that…

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Inspirational for Men and Women Alike

Don’t let fear stop you from living your dreams and you have the responsibility to shine. Know you are precious and what you have to give is a legend in itself. Take these successful people as an example to harnessing your own inner power to blossom.     If you received value from this post…

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A Few Tools To Help You Work Online

Some tools we use because they make our life easier, and some tools we simply couldn’t accomplish what we need to without them. Here are a few tools that I use on a regular basis. Debut Video Capture I use this program for recording videos of anything happening on my screen. Yes, there are better…

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How My Daughter Has Inspired My Life

The one person that has had the greatest impact on my life is my daughter, Shaylah. She is the force behind what drives me to do better in all things, and push through the hard times. Before my daughter was born in 2005, I was so misguided, drifting along with no real purpose or reason…

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Productive Business Hacks

Becoming more productive is something most people either want to strive for, or *need* to strive for. It becomes important when you work from home to focus on business goals during a defined block of time, rather than allowing your work to take over your whole day. These ‘hacks’ my help with getting things under…

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Effective Social Media

Effective social media use is crucial to success in today’s online marketing space. Here are some insights. What’s YOUR Social Media Marketing Strategy? Now you know why you should be utilizing effective social media. Social Media: Effective Strategies to promote your brand, by HEC prof. Kristine De Valck This short video is targeted at brand…

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